Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Year of Losing Weight, August 14, 2010

Sorry I haven't kept up with the blog very well. I just don't have much to report. I've lost 26 lbs. I had hoped to lose more than that, but I'll take what I can get. Just so I don't gain it back. I do feel better and have somewhat more energy, but my feet and hands are still bothered by the arthritis. I'm not sure how much losing weight will affect that.

I start back to work in 11 days. I would expect that I will lose more weight when I am back full time. There is a lot of exercise involved with teaching. I also plan to have the bariatric shakes for lunch. That is the best way to get a lot of protein in me quickly. They tend to hold back any hunger, as well.

It is painful to eat even one too many bites when I eat. I am learning to gauge when I have had enough. There is a foamy mucus that builds up when I eat incorrectly, whether it is too much food, or something that doesn't agree with me. That is what I throw up. The vomiting isn't as bad as before, because it isn't bile and stomach acid. I just do it and get it over with. I weigh my food, then can't eat all of it. As long as I'm getting the nutrition that I need, it is fine with me. And I think it would be best not to throw up at work...

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