Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Year of Losing Weight, August 21, 2010

No more weight loss to report. Rats. I know that I am not getting enough pure exercise. I am not sitting around eating bon bons or anything. I am always on the go, but I guess it doesn't help. Paul and I got in the pool this morning and I swam laps. I need to do that more often. It just hurts.

I have arthritis in my left foot and in my hands. That makes it difficult to walk and do a lot of swimming, however I do try. I don't know what is making the arthritis worse, whether I'm not getting proper nutrition, I'm getting older, or I'm not losing the weight. I'm really hoping that it gets better as I lose the weight. I have to start work again on Monday (officially, Wednesday--I've gone in unofficially for weeks). I'm concerned about being on my feet all day with the pain. I am not allowed to take anti-inflammatory medications because of the possible damage to my pouch. I'm guessing I'll have to see a dr. to see if there is any other way to manage it.

I can really see a difference with the 27 lb. weight loss that I have achieved so far. It is so encouraging. I'm doing better at eating solid food--I had half of a hamburger yesterday! It is still uncomfortable to eat. I think that it's because it is so nice to chew food and have it in my mouth that I eat too fast. When I eat too fast, I also have a tendency to eat larger bites and not get them chewed up well. That's when the frothing and vomiting happen. That is, thankfully, getting less frequent.

I apologize for not writing as often as I had planned. There is just nothing new to report three times a week. I may just write once a week from here on in so that progress shows. I also planned on posting pictures every week, however my photographer isn't complying with my wishes. Oh well. Se la Vie.

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