Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Year of Losing Weight, August 17, 2010

Six week check up today! I have officially lost 27 lbs. and am doing "excellent". That sure made my day. I really needed to know that I'm losing the way I am supposed to. I am past that first plateau and am beginning to lose some weight again. Not as fast as at the beginning, but it is coming off. The only problem is that I am not eating enough "real" food. I am having too many shakes. It's just so much easier and I don't throw them up. She said that I am probably eating too fast or taking bites that are too big. I'm not eating too much to cause the vomiting. The rule is to cut my food into pieces the size of a pencil eraser and chew them to applesauce consistency. She said that I could continue with the shakes, but that eventually they wouldn't hold me from one meal to the next. They really don't--I just drink a lot of water.

It's just exciting to know that I am on the right track and doing what I am supposed to be doing. I heard a lady get chewed out today, because she was eating too much and not losing any weight. That is my biggest fear. To not lose the weight after going through the surgery. Heavenly Father saw fit to make the surgery easy for me and he sends me reminders every time I throw up. He is helping me through this. Prayers are always answered!! I will succeed! I am so thankful for John and Cathy and my friend Connie and their help. They are a wonderful support system. I owe them bigtime!

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